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HairMax雷射梳利用雷射光刺激逐漸萎縮的毛囊給予毛囊養分 The HairMax LaserComb stimulates miniaturized hair follicles with nourishing laser light energy. A laser concentrates light waves of a specific wavelength into a coherent beam of monochromatic light. Humans can see a range of energy as colored light, known as the visible light spectrum. The HairMax emits low-energy light from the red portion of this spectrum, which has been hypothesized to increase blood circulation, promote cellular activity, and reverse the natural breakdown of cells, which is known as apoptosis. Hair follicles subject to increased blood circulation receive more nutrients and eliminate more waste, thus promoting healthier hair. It is believed that cells treated with the HairMax convert the emitted light energy to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that provides cells with usable energy. As extra ATP is produced and more energy becomes available to cells, cellular activity increases. Cells use the increased energy to rebuild miniaturized hair follicles, creating a healthy environment for hair production. |