
在完成26週HairMax 雷射梳的臨床實驗後,能夠提供有效的成果
頭皮在療程的開始和結束都會使用放大攝影來捕捉成效, 濃密的毛髮依賴電腦軟體來測量使用雷射梳儀器後的正常大小的毛髮數量

The HairMax LaserComb Clinical Trial
To prove the effectiveness of the HairMax LaserComb, a 26 week clinical trial was completed. Without their knowledge, the subjects were divided into two groups: an active group and a placebo group. Macro photographs of the scalp were captured of all of the subjects at the beginning and end of the trial and sophisticated hair counting software was used to determine the number of normal-sized hairs that grew as a result of using either device. Hair growth in subjects who used the HairMax LaserComb increased by an average of 19 normal-sized hairs per square centimeter, while it decreased by an average of 7 normal-sized hairs per square centimeter in those using the placebo device. Subjects who used the HairMax LaserComb also experienced more favorable hair attributes, such as thicker, shinier, and more manageable hair compared to those who used the placebo device. Upon review of these results, the FDA granted clearance to market the HairMax LaserComb as a medical device used to treat hair loss and promote hair growth in males.


說明六 說明八